Tuesday 15 November 2011

Al Gore and His Personal Quest

Al Gore was a candidate for the presidential seat of America, he ran against George Bush. Today I watched a documentary/film about Al Gore's work and personal life. This man has made environmental awareness his concern even through the hard ships he has faced through his life. Al Gore lost his chance of being the leader of America by the shortest of margins which would have been a massive blows to Al Gore's confidence. However what inspires me the most about his work is the persistence he shows to his cause and how dedicated he is.

Within this documentary I was informed of the complications involved with the earth's current conditon and how badly the rate of destruction is increasing year by year. The overall presentation showed a valid argument towards any argument to the global warming theory which I had.

Earth Charter

What is Earth charter?

I didn't know, but it seemed like a good idea.

Earth charter is the deceleration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just and peaceful global society in the 21st century. That is quite a mouth full, but very interesting. Our mothers and father grew up when the industrial revolution was still very much in action. Ford was still trying to fit as many cylinders in a motor while companies where mining the earth hollow. Much was different back then, as technology wasn't advanced enough to tell the people of earth to future problems they were causing.

Educating this generation is suddenly a major concern on how to cleanse the wrongs of the past and I genuinely accept this new found interest in keeping our planet healthy. Educating the future is the best way even if we have to drop muscle cars and 50" TVs it will be better in the long run.

Also, when isn't Pink Floyd non relevant.

Galactic Evolution

A few back prior to writing this blog post, I sat through a lecture on how the world has come to be what it is, politically and physically. All this talk of the evolution of the world sparks many thoughts throughout my mind. Over the millions of years of evolution, rock formations and climate changes where will we be in the next million years. I surely won't be around, but what will. Climate change or commonly known as global warming is serious factor, but is it part of a plan to cul our ever growing population. Our population has grown to over 6 billion people, all consuming, producing and heating up our planet. When will the straw break the camels back is the real question. After hearing of all the battles and life forums created over the years it seems as though man will wipe it's self out, not through a nuclear holocaust but by it's own creations. The world seems to be reinventing it's self to what it once was, or maybe recycling the life of this planet as a bush fire does to a scrub land.

Deep stuff really.

A Controversial Discussion

When discussing such a "touchy" topic as global warming there is certain things which should be addressed and which shouldn't be. Religion is such a thing that should not be considered within the same sentence as global warming, reason being as people would then consider this global issue as the "wrath of God". I was sat though a topic discussion were for once in my life was genuinely annoyed with the person giving the talk. All the point had been drastically butchered to blame humanity for it's mistakes and make the audience feel bad. Saying such things as "This earth was a gift and we have ruined it" is a very misleading argument.

The separation of church and state is a factor in which needs to be suggested to religious individuals when discussing issues such as these. However, the message was of good nature but was seemingly misleading and made focus on areas of which were not directly impacting on the topic.

Global warming is an issue fixed by actions, not blame.